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As best as I can tell, uninstalling PT7.5 Removes DoulosSIL and CharisSIL fonts.
This will break the PT8 updates. Apparently the update looks for the DoulosSIl font and if it can’t find it, the update crashes.
The solution is to reinstall these fonts manually, and then rerun the PT8 update.
Why uninstalling PT7.5 removed these fonts is a puzzler, since other apps are using them (and they are free to use anyway). But just an FYI, if you notice you can’t install the PT8 updates for some reason.

Paratext by (365 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

On Windows 10, even the PT7.5 installer with its latest patch doesn’t always/reliably install these fonts. Somehow ever since the rise of Windows 10, people keep losing these fonts, from Logos updates or just by moving to Windows 10. Just so you know, you are not the only one finding issues with these fonts vanishing.

It would be nice, if they could make these fonts more “resilient”, so they wouldn’t always get lost!:slight_smile:

by (255 points)
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