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I tried logging on the the paratext.org site today to look up some information for a colleague. After logging in I was redirected automatically to pt8.paratext.org. I can understand the push to the pt8 site, but during this migration process it is crucial that we have access to the previous site for reference (like looking up users’ registration codes) and also referencing material available as resource texts to compare what is available in pt8. Can you let us know what link will take us to the old site (paratext.org) without a redirect?


Stevan Vanderwerf
Language Technology Consultant - SIL Eurasia FCH

Paratext by (128 points)

1 Answer

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On the home page for pt8.paratext.org, you should see this if you look below the photo:

The Paratext 7 website is still available as well.

Does that link work for you?


by (264 points)

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