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I’ve had a user getting the registration input form on Paratext 9 after a reboot. I realized that they were stuck at PT and needed them to upgrade. I’m getting error 500 on Paratext.org. Can someone confirm?

Paratext by (231 points)

2 Answers

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Yes, the paratext.org site is down… I am getting the same error message.

If registration help is needed, the registry is not down. So if someone needs a registration code, that should be working.

by [Expert]
(375 points)


They have a new valid code I just generated, and they entered it. It opened Paratext. After a reboot, it was asking for details again, and they say won’t accept the new code again. I’m wondering if the authentication issues are connected to the site problem.

I would like them to update Paratext, but the download site is down.

We have seen this happen when the Paratext sever is set to the Development server.
In Paratext 9 hold shift and click the main menu. Then go to Support and Development > Paratext Servers. Make sure it is set to the Production server.
I’ve seen several situations where this got set to the Development server and the code doesn’t work correctly.
In Paratext 8 - hold Shift and click on Help > Advanced > Paratext Servers.

The team doesn’t have a connection strong enough for Bomgar. Do I have to generate a new code again to get them in so that we can check those options?

Or, once the site is up, do i get them to uninstall and reinstall a new version that might accept the current code.

The issue occurs when they try to do S/R. So, the key is generate a new code and open Paratext. Then before you do a S/R change the server settings.

0 votes

The site is back up. The site now offers 9.1 as the stable version and mentions that 9.0 will automagically upgrade to 9.1. I’m not seeing this on my machine, on the normal or beta channel.

by (231 points)

I just double checked with a developer who says that this is planned, but not implemented at this time. You must download the installer if you want to install 9.1.

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