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In the PTXprint output for Glossary, the the book name for the glossary does not show up in the header. The Paratext file for glossary does have the \h line right after the \id line. In the Header+Footer tab in PTXprint I have "Reference Range" selected for the Inner(Left) part of the header. (It goes on the outside in my RTL project.) Page number is set in the Center, and Outer(Right) is empty. Book and Chapter are ticked below. These settings work great for the actual Scripture books. But for the Glossary I only get the page number in the header.

My Glossary is a single chapter book with the letters of the alphabet indicated in section heads \s1

Any way to get the book name for Glossary to show up in the header?
PTXprint ago by (162 points)

1 Answer

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Here is a way to have the Scripture books show the Reference Range for the header and the Glossary just show the Book Name.
Create the PDFs for the Scripture books and note the last page number

Now you can create the Glossary with a separate format for the header. For the Glossary, on the Headers/Footers tab change the Reference Range to Book Name in the drop down
Set the page number to be the next page number after the Scriptures.

This gives two PDFs

To have a single PDF you can Recreate the Scripture books and on the Peripheral tab choose the Glossary PDF as the Back Matter. (Make sure you are careful to review the settings for Header/Footer and the starting page)

This will place the Glossary PDF at the end of the last book of the Scripture and should have the page numbering correct.
ago by (8.5k points)
ago edited by
This sounds like we need to fix something in PTXprint to make something like this happen by default. However, MOST people would prefer to have the first and last headword as the header, rather than having a static header that says "Glossary". (It is obvious that it is a glossary, by looking at what is on the page -- i.e. it clearly isn't scripture; but what words are contained on the spread is far more useful to the reader.)

Does anyone else have some thoughts on this?
Hi Phil, yes, I have figured out that I could do something like what you suggested. I was hoping for some more automatic and less error prone way to do it.

Mark, yes, it would be great to have the first and last headwords in the header, but at this time I think it would be OK just to have the static word "glossary" in the there.

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