0 votes
Just curious if this version of software works with PTX print? I remember I had to have paratext installed and run the bible modules into it before I loaded PTX Print. Would this work in the same way?
Platform.Bible by (110 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I believe platform.bible is still considered pre-release  software so I doubt if PTXPrint will detect projects in its project folder. You might be able to get PTXPrint to load a project if you manually copy it to the Paratext 9 project folder (usually c:\My Paratext 9 Projects), but that would be  a cumbersome task. My understanding is the beta release of Platform.Bible will be in springtime (April, May or June).
by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
Excited for all these new updates to work together!  To be able to use MAC and develop bible layouts in BSB version with difference languages is going to be amazing!
0 votes
Is there a mailing list or way to stay updated for the platform.bible official release?
by (110 points)
The platform.bible website has a place you can sign up to get updates.
(sign up at bottom of the home page).
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They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Acts 1:14
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