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My Paratext 8 RC will not start. It displays the following error and stops:

I uninstalled and re-installed with 8.0.78 but still get this error.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this?



Paratext by (219 points)

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We have received a few reports about this, but haven’t had access to a
machine that has this problem to determine what’s going wrong.

I have a remote support session scheduled on Monday, so hopefully I’ll find
the cause then.


by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)


anon397352 found that upgrading to FieldWorks 8.2 fixed the problem - he was on FieldWorks 8.1.

I had a support session with a user this morning and he also had a version of FieldWorks 8.1 and upgrading to FieldWorks 8.2 fixed his problem (FieldWorks 8.2.9 is the current stable version).

The reason that the newest version of the Paratext RC would have a problem with the older version of FieldWorks is that a change was put in for Paratext to load the ICU libraries from FieldWorks when it is installed. Both Paratext and FieldWorks use the same ICU version, but the FieldWorks copy of the ICU library has some additions that it requires and Paratext uses FieldWorks code to open the FLEx data directly.

The stable version of FieldWorks is available here:


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