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Hi every one,

I have already installed in PC a paratext 8 Windows 10 , after that I tried to open paratext 8 and it gives me this massage Paratext "Can’t load ICU library (version 0)
at icu nativemethods.LoadIcuLibrary (String libraryName)
at icu nativemethods.get_IcuComonLibHandle()
at icu nativemethods.u_init(ErrorCode& errorCode)
at paratext Language.WritingSystemRepository.Initialize(WritingSystemRepository’1 repository)in
C:\aPtw80Base\ParatextShared\Languages\WritingSystemRepository.cs:line 15
at Paratext.Program.ParatextSetup() in C:\aPtw80BaseParatext\Program.cs:line 636
at Paratext.Program.Main(Sring args) in C:\aPtw80Base\Paratext\Program.cs:line 122
After this massage also it gives this massage;
“Paratext cannot perform this operation because a fil (unknown) is currently locked. Please look
in help for “Locked files” in order to solve this problem.”
I don’t Understand which cause the files to be locked and where is that files located.

What to do to fix this kind of problem? Any help.

List item

Paratext by (105 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

Have you looked at the information in this answer?

by (8.2k points)

Are these users linking Flex to Paratext? I saw the ICU file not loading problem with Flex after upgrading it last Spring.

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Paratext Mar 18, 2017 asked by anon397352 (219 points)
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