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Has anybody ever figured out a way how to get BibleWorks to scroll together with Paratext and/or Logos?

Paratext by (252 points)

2 Answers

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From a quick Google - BibleWork’s Help:

It looks like there are two options in BibleWorks - View > Send References and View > Receive References.

EDIT: Also, possibly relevant, is this forum post with instructions on how to synchronize BibleWorks windows.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Since my Grk text keeps messing up my PT, I have now closed that window and instead am using the sync feature with BibleWorks, mentioned by #anon291708. This works great! Thank you very much for that hint.

0 votes

I have never seen Bible Works synch’d with Paratext, but there is a description of how to make Paratext scroll together with other Bible programs on the LingTran.net site:

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)


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