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Dear readers,

In the online explanations of paratext 9.5 beta it reads:

However, for a project administrator to opt in to the Whitespaces and invisible character support features implemented in 9.5 beta, all team members must update to 9.5. Once this is done the project cannot be edited in 9.4 or earlier versions of Paratext.

How does that play out in a context where the "team" (i.e. translators, exegete, backtranslator) all move to 9.5 beta, but then get to work with a consultant still using 9.4 or earlier. Can the consultant create notes in the active 9.5 beta project from his 9.4 version ? 

And can the consultant join in a Paratext live session with his 9.4 machine while "the team" is now using 9.5 ?

Thanks for clarifying this.

Paratext by (322 points)

2 Answers

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The short answer is, no, once the project has "opted in" to using the whitespace feature, it will no longer even open on PT 9.4 and earlier. So consultants will also have to upgrade.

There would be no disadvantage, however, for a consultant to also upgrade. They can work on 9.5 but still continue to serve any teams who are on 9.4 or earlier.


However, note that most team can (and probably will) upgrade to PT 9.5 in order to use all the other features, without needing to mess around with the whitespace feature. Also, it's possible to view whitespaces without "opting in". It's only the ability to add them that requires this change (see https://support.bible/13282/administrator-whitespaces-invisible-character-implemented?show=13282#q13282)

by (1.8k points)
Thanks for making that clear. How about compatibility with Paratext Lite for android? Can it be used in conjunction with 9.5 Beta?
I don't know the answer to that... it might require some testing on your part. That might be a bit of work, because you'll need to somehow get a 2nd copy of your project on the Registry so you can share it with a PTLite device. Or upgrade your project, test it, and then revert it to an earlier version if it doesn't work (that's complicated, and if you do it make sure no one else is working or doing S/R during that time).

You could also ask on the PTLite section of this forum.
Thank you for explaining.
The current released version of Paratext Lite ( won't open projects that have enabled feature. Paratext Lite or newer is needed. This is yet to be released on Android.
0 votes
Once a project opts to use the whitespace feature of PT9.5, that project will no longer open in 9.4 or earlier. Everyone working on the project would need to have 9.5 (or higher).

So the direct answer is NO - the consultant would not be able to write notes on the project since it will not open in 9.4
by (8.4k points)

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