0 votes
When I try to run ptxprint on a specific chapter in my project (Luke 2), a strange and garbled PDF comes out. The first page is mostly blank, but has a few isolated words scattered about on the page. (Searching for those words in the chapter did not suggest anything obviously wrong to me.) More to the point, the whole book passes the Paratext marker check. So there's a mismatch someplace.

If someone would send me an email (from an identifiably official address) I will be happy to share the SFM file.
PTXprint by (109 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
Hmm, does it print correctly if you do the whole book? If so I suspect that the 'final SFM' has ended up broken somehow.

As the ptxprint authors are not administrators of this site,  it's hard to send you an email. See PM.
The best way to send a large file is via to share it via google drive, that way it doesn't clog everyone's email quota.
But... Have you got the very latest version of ptxprint? That's normally a good thing to check, in case the odd behaviour has been corrected already.
by (877 points)
selected by
I upgraded to 2.6.11 and get the same behavior. Also the same behavior if I typeset the entire book. (And I emailed the files per your DM; thank you)
0 votes

Thanks for sending in an archive. The problem appears to be a series of misplaced (and empty) \fp markers in the USFM text.

When I removed those*, it worked fine.

I placed a changes.txt rule to remove these unwanted markers.

"\\fp" > ""

by (2.7k points)
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