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It seems that if there is any \esb...\esbe material in the biblical text that a \ref field in a Module is trying to access, PTXPrint gets confused and is not able to expand the \ref field into its full form. Either PTXPrint finds the \esb marker and then never finds the \esbe  marker and fails with an error message "Reached end of book without finding \esbe" (which seems to happen when \ref specifies verse 1), or PTXPRINT just ignores the \ref field altogether and finishes without an error (which seems to happen when the \ref field  begins with verse 2 or later). I would have expected that PTXPrint would just ignore the \esb material and keep looking until it found a proper verse. If I take out the \esb material from the biblical text, the module and PTXPrint works as expected.  As our book of Psalms has a short \esb...\esbe section at the beginning of each Psalm, this means we can't use any Psalms. Any chance you guys can take a look at this? I have included a screenshot below of the Psalm 2 source text which creates the problem, the module source, the Final SFM which shows PTX's confusion, and the error message (for a Module specifying verse 1 as the start).


PTXprint by (173 points)

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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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