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I am having an error in medial punctuation with numbers in book intros for number ranges like: (1:1-13)

In the numbers settings for medial punctuation I have: - / :

For initial punctuation I have: - + " ( { < [ $ “ ‘

For final punctuation I have: - ) } " > . ! ? : ] , ; ” ’

I know some languages have an em dash and an en dash. We only have an en dash (shorter one). 

Any thoughts on this? I can ignore the error but I like resolution:)

Paratext by (234 points)

1 Answer

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The issue here is that the number is a scripture reference. Paratext automatically checks references that are in \r and \xt fields, but does not check references if they are not marked.

In the introduction, references can be marked with (\xt 1:1-13\xt*) or if it is part of the introduction outline (\ior 1:1-13\ior*)

If you are using \ior, the () can be placed inside of the markers: \ior (1:1-13)\ior* since the outline reference assumes the book name. With the \xt markers, Paratext will report an error with the book/chapter seperator if the ( is inside of the \xt.
by (8.3k points)
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Yes, this is what I needed. Thanks Phil.
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