0 votes
I was given access to Pedoman Penafsiran Alkitab (PPA), and I can see that I've been made an observer to the project in the Paratext registry. But when I go to send/receive, PPA is not listed. I tried download/install and it's not there either (with all languages enabled). A similar project is TSIC, to which I was given access after PPA. It appeared, and I was able to download it without any issues.

I have tried resetting Paratext (using shift+start); I've tried restarting my computer; I've tried various send/receives and both the download/install + send/receive dialogs.

Any idea why I can't get access to it?
Paratext by (106 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Try send/receive again. Your name now appears on the send/receive server for  PPA.

 I saw that your name was listed as an observer in the project registration, but your name was not listed in the project on the send/receive server. I don't know how this happened. But when I temporarily changed your role to consultant in the project, then changed  you back to observer, this change did get propagated  to the send/receive server.
by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

selected by
Thanks, that solved it.
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