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How can I enter a rendering into the Biblical Terms tool that includes a word in parentheses as part of the rendering itself? The project I'm working in has a long-standing practice of sometimes using renderings that consist of a vernacular word followed by an alternative in parentheses (an equivalent from another dialect or an LWC). But obviously parentheses have a specific use already in the BT tool which will cause it to recognise just the not-in-() word as the rendering, potentially leading to translation inconsistencies. I'm guessing there is no way to escape (in the technical sense) the parentheses characters in the BT tool. Someone has suggested using [] instead and just replacing at the output stage, but I don't have the security clearance to make the necessary global changes. Before I approach the project manager to do that, are there alternative ways to handle this (esp. if they minimise changes to the project itself)?
Paratext by (144 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I hope someone will have a better answer, but a workaround would be to include the vernacular term and the other (LWC/dialect) as separate renderings. It wouldn't tell you by the green tick marks if the renderings are complete, but it would allow you to quickly scan the occurrences to see if all of them contain both equivalents.
by (505 points)
0 votes
Hola Ruth.
The recommendation you were given is more appropriate.

It will be good to use a couple of characters that are not used in other contexts. Your tech support person can help you to confirm if the [] symbols are not used in another context (you can see it yourself in the Character Inventory). And finally replace this with parentheses when you want to print.


by (885 points)
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