+1 vote

I've had problems with PTXprint named configurations in the past, and I believe I've reported the problems, but can't find those discussions in this forum. And there are still problems. Maybe I'm just not doing the various steps in the way you expect them to be done.

A colleague has a PTXprint project, and he has been making lots of changes (page border, verse number stars, etc.) under the Default configuration. So all we want to do is save that configuration as a named configuration, so that we could get back to it later if we needed to. Here are the steps we take:

  • Open the Default configuration, Print (Make PDF) to make sure the configuration is good.
  • Go into the Name field of the Configuration and change Default to COR (we are publishing 1-2 Corintihians).
  • Click on the Save button.
  • Click Print (Make PDF)
This will result in a PDF that is NOT the same as what was produced by the Default configuration (e.g. no page border, some different font sizes). We've tried changing the name, saving, then quitting PTXprint, re-opening and selecting the new configuration, but get the same results. I had the clever idea to copy the Default config folder in shared\ptxprint, but there are some things that contain Default in the file name that would need to be renamed, so that seems kind of messy.
What is the "right" way to save a Default configuration you like into a named configuration, to make sure that you can get back to that configuration later? I also thought, well this new COR configuration isn't right, but the one produced by Default is correct, so let's switch to the COR configuration and import the configuration from that PDF file produced. We did that, and basically got the same results - the configuration still wasn't the same as what we got with Default.
So is this a bug or a user error?
PTXprint by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I've had exactly the same problem. For the record, it's not just Default, It seems... consistently inconsistent, in that what works immediately on opening the program may not work at other times, and vice-versa. 

I think I've had the best success by *not* hitting the save button, but going going from typing the name, to the notes  box (so that changes to the name are remembered), and then direct from there to print, and then save. I might be wrong though.

by (877 points)
Well, we might be able to come up with some sort of work-around, but the bottom line is that there is an annoying bug in PTXprint (that has been there quite a while) which is preventing people from managing their print configurations appropriately. Can we not try to track it down and squash it?

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