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I have a Paratext project with a specific keyboard for notes and text, and I've already set auto-switching from Project Settings>Keyboard. That works.

Now we're interlinearizing into French, and they want the keyboard to switch to an appropriate keyboard (like US International) when they type the French glosses. I don't see any keyboard settings in the Interlinear tool. I tried setting the keyboard for the Model text (PDV: Parole de Vie), and that doesn't seem to make any difference.

How is this supposed to work? Is there a hidden menu? Does it try to remember?
Paratext by (231 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I'm not sure why this is not working for you. Here is a quick video of what I see on my computer:


Note that there are lots of possible variables - OS (I'm running Windows 10), version of Keyman, version of Paratext, etc. Sometimes doing a reset of Paratext can help clear issues. https://paratext.org/?s=reset
by (8.5k points)
Ok, I see it working on yours. I have Windows 11 and Microsoft keyboards (US international for French is preferred). Keyboard switching works with projects.

My question was what config should the gloss follow?
The model text of PDV? (I configured that.)
Whatever my computer has for the vehicular language?  ( I have several there.)

Also, how do I adjust the size of the glosses (not the parsing that has a config menu and percentages) On a user's computer, the glosses are 2x the size of the language text.
The keyboarding for the gloss should use the assigned keyboard for the model text.  I just tested with two Microsoft keyboards and it worked correctly.
The size of the gloss should match the size of the font for the model text (not the zoom)
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