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Is there a syntax for changes.txt to reference individual paragraphs in the introduction material, rather like there is for adjust lists e.g. GAL 1.0 +1[13] (i.e. 13th paragraph)?
PTXprint by (187 points)

1 Answer

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Hmm. When you say introductory material, do you mean (a) front matter introductions , (b) start of book introductory material or (c) per-chapter introductory material?
For (a), since front matter is normally not pulled in straight from Paratext, it is not expected to be needed, so I don't think the changes files gets applied at all.  I don't actually know if the INT book (and hence periphery material pulled in with \zgetperiph) gets processed.

For (b) and (c)... trickier. You can *limit* operations using the "in" prefix. e.g.:
in "\\c 3([\S\s]*) \\v":  "HELLO" > "Hello"
might work to limit changes to the introduction of Ch 3. (I've not checked if the [\S\s]* matches everything, I think it ought to include newlines as well as any normal space/non-space, but others on the list can probably correct me)


You can use the in prefix to limit changes to certain parts of the text, assuming there are unique portions, or  if rather than changing spelling or markers, you're trying to alter the layout, e.g. add bullets to paragraphs 3-5, then that can be done with triggers  and/or hooks, which certainly work in introduction.
by (833 points)

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