0 votes

We’d like to have a “watermark” printed on the background of each page, e.g. “DRAFT” in a light grey colour behind the text. Is that possible? I didn’t see any obvious setting.

PTXprint by (112 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

That’s certainly possible, but well hidden! There are a few default watermark PDFs included, or you can make a custom PDF and apply that.

By the way, the next time you are looking for a setting, try the “Search for settings” tool at the bottom of the dialog:


Selecting one of those options till take you straight to the setting and highlight it for you.

by (2.5k points)
0 votes

That’s it, thank you!

by (112 points)
0 votes

Thanks. I needed that.

by (173 points)
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