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I want to add a URL in the FRT matter. How do I make the double forward slash // in the address printable?

PTXprint by (143 points)

1 Answer

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USFM declares that // is a special mark meaning an optional line-break (very useful in poetry, etc).

To make both of the slashes printable, the easiest way is to put a zero-width space between them, either with unicode char 200B (which should be accepted by everything), or if this is the PTXprint-specific front matter, you can use https:/\ZWSP /my.website.org/ Which is a ugly, but when you’re struggling to remember what the trick was in 18 months’ time, it will be save a lot of “But I can’t see any difference!”

by (660 points)

Thanks, David. This trick is great. This is PTXprint front matter. I like having the visible reminder of the solution.

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