0 votes
 Biblical Term rendering discussion not  |  Biblical Term rendering description    
e                                        |                                         
 The entire history leading to a deci  |  A summary of what has been discussed 
sion regarding the rendering of a Bibli  |  and decided regarding the rendering of 
cal Term.                                |  a Biblical Term.                       
 Content can be seen by expanding a ren  |  Content can be seen:
• In the midd dering discussion note in the Biblical | le pane of the Biblical Terms tool.
• In the Description area of the Edit ne of the Biblical Terms tool. | Rendering dialog Can be resolved. | Cannot be resolved. Inserted by:
• Double-clicking the | Inserted by:
• Double-clicking a B icon at the far left of a Biblical Ter | iblical Term.
• Selecting *Edit Ren m.
• Selecting Rendering Discussio | dering from the Edit menu of the Bib n Note* from the Insert menu of the B | lical Terms tool. iblical Terms tool. | Ctrl+Shift+N is the shortcut for inser | Does not have a shortcut for inserting ting. | . The icon to the far left in the Biblic | There is not an icon to indicate wheth al Terms Renderings window or the upper | er a rendering description is present. pane of the Biblical Terms tool indica | tes whether there is a rendering discus | sion note present. | The verse reference will be the first | Does not have a verse reference. occurrence of the term according to the | Biblical Terms filter settings at the | time the note was inserted. |

Some things in common:

  • Neither one displays project text unless you enter it yourself.
  • Neither one can be inserted while editing the text of the project.
  • There is no indication in the text that either one is present.
  • You can filter to see either one in the Biblical Terms tool.

:informationicon: See also:

  • Introduction to Biblical Term notes
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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