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In Paratext 8.0 (and later), there are two types of notes that can be inserted for a Biblical Term:

  • A Biblical Term rendering discussion note
  • A Biblical Term rendering description

A Biblical Term can only have one of each kind of note.

It is not possible to see the presence of either kind of note in the project text.

Biblical Term rendering discussion note (referred to below as “rendering discussion note”)

A rendering discussion note is the entire history leading to a decision regarding the rendering of a Biblical Term. It is designed for transient or ongoing issues.

The purpose of a rendering discussion note is to record:

  • Suggestions for the rendering of a Biblical Term.
  • Uncertainty for areas where there is not certainty.
  • A need for a decision regarding a single term to cover multiple senses, or for multiple terms to cover a single term.
  • The fact that a specific Biblical Term needs more consideration with regard to its renderings.
  • Why the existing rendering was chosen.

A color-filled icon at the far left of the Biblical Terms tool, or at the far left of the Biblical Terms Renderings window, indicates the presence of a rendering discussion note.

You can limit the Biblical Terms Renderings you see to those that have an unread or unresolved rendering discussion note.
How do I see Biblical Term notes in my project?

In the Biblical Terms tool or the Biblical Terms Renderings window, a hollow icon indicates that there has never been a rendering discussion note created for this term. A gray icon with a green tick mark indicates that a rendering discussion note was previously created for this term, but the discussion has been marked as resolved.

It is possible to resolve rendering discussion notes. Once a note is resolved, users can view the discussion, but are not expected to add to it. If you unresolve a note for a term, the new discussion gets appended.

The verse reference for the rendering discussion note will be the first occurrence of the term according to the Biblical Terms filter settings at the time the note was inserted.

The rendering discussion note displays a summary of the Biblical Term, but does not display verse text.

:checkicon: In Paratext 8.0 (and later), there is a check for Biblical Terms which have unresolved Rendering Discussion Notes. If you include this check in a stage of project progress, Paratext runs the check when you select “Assignments and Progress” or “Big Picture Chart (Experimental)” from the Project menu.
How do I include a check in a stage of project progress?

Biblical Term rendering description (referred to below as “rendering description”)

A rendering description is a summary of what has been discussed and decided regarding the rendering of a Biblical Term.

The purpose of a rendering description is to record:

  • The description of the agreed-on contexts where different renderings of a term will be used.
  • An explanation of why a rendering was changed.

When a term containing a rendering description is selected, the rendering description appears in the middle pane.

In the Biblical Terms tool, you can filter to only view terms with a rendering description.

:informationicon: See also:

* [How do I see Biblical Term notes in my project?](http://support.paratext.org/t/how-do-i-see-biblical-term-notes-in-my-project/1180)
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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