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I want to use numbered footnotes instead of lettered. I changed the “Show Callers in the Text:” to numbers but am still getting alphabetic letters. Is there another setting that needs to be changed?

Thank you.

PTXprint by (184 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

I’m not sure how you are entering your numbers, but when I clicked on “Show Callers in the Text” and entered the numbers as: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8… then they appeared correctly for me. Make sure there are no spaces in the list.

As always, I’d recommend checking to see if there are updates to PTXPrint.

by (8.0k points)
0 votes

Sorry for such a late reply. In terms of the TeX, there is a command that can be given:
\NumericCallers{f} (or {x}) However, it only seems to be effective if there has not been any ‘listed’ callers defined, and that seems to be unavoidable from the user interface. For one project, I’m seeing:


around line 170 in the .tex file, which is a long way before ptxprint-mods.tex is included (around line 488).
We can, therefore, ‘unset’ the list of autocallers, and then the numeric callers should work:

\expandafter\let\csname callers-x\endcsname\relax

And it does:
But (at least with no change in font) the callers end up a bit confusing, if you ask me:

(change the callers-x and {x} to callers-f and {f} if you want to override footnotes.)

by (604 points)

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