This could get long.
First, how TeX breaks paragraphs is a whole chapter in the TeXbook. Basically there is a \tolerance (set to 9000 which is very generous. PlainTeX sets it to 200) that governs whether a particular way of breaking the paragraph is going to be considered. So if reducing the paragraph by a line makes the badness > 9000 it won’t reduce the paragraph however much you ask it. Likewise for increasing the paragraph. TeX’s natural paragraph length is chosen to minimise the badness. So reducing or increasing the paragraph will make it worse, but that’s balanced against a better page layout. A large tolerance isn’t bad given TeX minimises the badness for a paragraph. It just says we really don’t want over or underfull lines thank you.
In our experience, TeX rarely allows a paragraph to reduce. Have more shrinky spaces helps (the default min shrink for a space is 66% so 95% actually makes it less shrinky). Likewise the default max stretch is 150% so 140% makes it less stretchy. Adding intercharacter spacing is unlikely to make much difference to line breaking. It might but really all it does is soak up some extra stretch from the spaces making them less ugly. BTW if TeX breaks a really really bad line, it doesn’t matter how low you limit the max stretch, TeX will just stretch everything in proportion to fill the line overflowing any maxima.
This bit is mathematical: The 9000 tolerance needs to be divided by the number of lines to get an average. Let’s say there are 10 lines in a paragraph, so we get an average of 900 badness per line. TeX calculates badness as 100x(actual shrink or stretch / maximum shrink or stretch)^3. So that means it can allow a line to shrink or stretch on average up to 2 x the total for the line. Thus it might reduce spaces down to half their minimum or stretch them to twice their maximum. Obviously this is a worst case and TeX always chooses the best looking paragraph it can. So don’t worry that everything will look far worse than you specify. In practise, things look really good and by choosing which paragraphs to stretch wisely, one can fix problems in a way that is not obvious to the untrained eye.
Why does TeX not shrink paragraphs well? Because usually the max shrink of the spaces on a line are insufficient to pull a whole word up let alone 2 or 3. It depends if you are willing to let your min space be down at 40% of a space, which really isn’t much.
For scripts that don’t have word spaces then the key is to give plenty of places for TeX to break lines by inserting ZWSP characters liberally.
Now as to per paragraph changes. Yes we could change the values of the glue paragraph by paragraph, but I don’t know how we would provide a UI for that. Would you want to do all that work? Perhaps a more helpful way is to create a tool that measures all the possible paragraph shrinks and stretches and lets you know the range of values that will actually happen. We have some thoughts on improving the whole UI around adjustment lists anyway.
BTW here’s a tip. You can always increase the line count for a heading style since they aren’t justified, so TeX will happily make those lines shorter and shorter to have more of them in a paragraph. But they are also very noticeable on the page.
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