I believe it is pretty standard to have diglots balance at paragraph level. If a project is set up for verse style (each verse is a new paragraph - and this can be done in a change file) then each verse can match.
This is one consideration when choosing a diglot text - do the paragraphs match. If they are very different then it can raise questions for the reader as to why. The same would be true of other formats in the text like section heads, poetry, etc.
Another consideration (maybe more important) is how closely do the texts follow. Many of us who read English like to compare texts that differ (NASB / NLT for instance), but for many people seeing a text that differs significantly from a majority language text can be problematic and raise doubts as to the validity of the translation.
Generally I would advise teams that want/need to do diglot to use a text that matches or to adjust their text to match the diglot. This is obviously not a trivial matter since presumably the text has been formatted intentionally.