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When I try to do diglot printing, I keep getting an error message to run Basic Checks in Paratext. I assume that there are some marker errors somewhere in one of the Does this mean that PTXprint won’t run if there’s even one unresolved Basic Check problem? Or are there some Basic Checks that are more important than others?

One of the projects prints fine if I print it on its own. When I try to print the second project on its own, I don’t get a Basic Checks error, but a font-related error (which I couldn’t resolve by installing the main font for all users).

Any ideas?

PTXprint by (106 points)

4 Answers

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Sorry for the delay in responding. We’ve had a busy season!
Are you able to print the second project on its own by selecting a different font? Are there any other clues as to what might be stopping the second project from printing? Does it print any books at all in that second project?
If it thinks that the problem is font-related, then I would double-check all the options on the Fonts+Script tab. Make sure that all 4 fonts are displayed:
If you are still unable to make any progress on this, then use the Help tab to “Create Archive…” and send it to the support e-mail address mentioned in the tooltip.

by (2.7k points)
0 votes

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

I can’t print the second project on its own even with different fonts; it’s the same for any book. When I run Basic Checks for it, it produces some quotation mark related errors, but nothing too alarming.

I’ve tried changing the font in Paratext, in PTXprint, but the error message seems to be the same. I also reinstalled the font making sure that it was set to be installed for all users, but that didn’t help either.

So I’ve just sent the archive to the PTX support address.


by (106 points)
0 votes

Just for the record - this turned out to be an issue with the font. A different font solved the problem.

by (2.7k points)
0 votes

I encounters error when printing. It seems that it is related to the font. I tried to change the font but there are errors too.

by (110 points)

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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