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Manual Logos COM API Registration for Logos5

Logos ships with a COM API that needs to be registered with Windows. Some versions of Logos do not register the COM object automatically when installed. Here is a way to manually register the Logos COM object:

  1. Open a Command Prompt as Administrator.
    From the Windows Start Menu click All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt->(right click)->Run as administrator.
  2. In the command prompt window type “cd C:\Users”.
  3. Change to your user directory “cd [Username]”.
  4. Enter “cd AppData\Local\Logos5”.
  5. In the Logos5 directory run “logos.exe /register”.
    You should see a message from Logos indicating that it was successfully registered.
Manual Logos COM API Registration for Logos6
  1. Run PowerShell as Administrator.
    (Press the Windows key, type PowerShell, right-click on Windows PowerShell in the list and choose Run as administrator, click Yes on the User Account Control dialog).
  2. In the PowerShell window, type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.
  3. Enter Y to make the change.
  4. Close PowerShell.
  5. Download the RegisterSmartTags.ps1 script from http://downloads.logoscdn.com/LBS6/Support/RegisterSmartTags.ps1
  6. In Windows Explorer, find the script, right-click and choose Run with PowerShell.
    Since the script is signed by Logos Bible Software, choose Open from the Open File - Security Warning dialog, if displayed.
    The script calls RegSvr32.exe to register the Logos Smart Tags dll, L4SmrtTg.dll, which should display a RegSvr32 dialog message similar to, "DllRegisterServer in C:\Users\Bryan\AppData\Local\Logos\\L4SmrtTg.dll succeeded."
  7. Click OK.
    The PowerShell window should list details about registering, ending with the message "Finished successfully. Hit a key to exit..."
  8. Press any key.
    Logos COM and Logos Smart Tags for 32 bit Office should now be registered.

:informationicon: See also:

* or read information about Logos at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A6mufYUcXYhAsqW2kOL27l36w9ecUhlJcpesioiGMcc/edit#heading=h.2wfha55mlblw
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


1 Answer

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Best answer

The manual COM registration technique is still relevant for Logos 7. It fixed the problem of Paratext and Logos not scrolling together for one Logos 7 user today.

In Logos 7, the Logos folder in Appdata\Local is probably just “Logos” not “Logos5”

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

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