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At a recent Introduction to Paratext workshop, one of the attendees was using Paratext 8 on Wasta-Linux.

Not being familiar with Paratext 8 on LInux, I was surprised to find see that the Keyboard switching feature was greyed out. Should it be inactive? Or is there something we need to do to make it active?

We also found that the autocorrect.txt feature didn’t work. We put the file in the project’s folder and followed the conventions found in the help, but we couldn’t get it to work. In our particular instance we were trying to get a regular space to turn into a thin space. Is there something special that needs to be done for Paratext on Linux to get the AutoCorrect.txt feature to work?
Thank you

Paratext by (476 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Autocorrect.txt has always worked for the projects I’ve worked with in Linux. It is working for me now in PT8 on Wasta. You typed “AutoCorrect.txt” in the last sentence below, but “autocorrect.txt” earlier. Linux filenames are case-sensitive. Paratext has “fixed” various control files to accept upper or lower case, but if your filename has uppercase letters try renaming it to all lowercase. The autocorrect.txt file also needs to be saved as UTF-8, which is standard in Linux but if the file was copied from a Windows PT 7 project folder it might not be.

If these suggestions don’t solve the problem you could email the file to someone familiar with your project for troubleshooting. I could take a look at it for you if you want.


by (630 points)

Thank you KimB, I no longer have this project in front of me. When I next get a chance to look at it, I will check the file name and rename it Autocorrect.txt in the (likely) event I used the wrong one.

0 votes

Hi guys,

It’s been almost a year since the original post. I haven’t found that I’ve missed the AutoCorrect feature so far. The things I would use it for appear to be too complex for it. I do wonder about the keyboard selection being grayed out though, mostly because the automatic switching into and out of the orthographic keyboard seems to come and go for us. Right now it has gone. Actually, it’s been erratic on both Linux and Windows lately. We can switch manually, so we’re getting by just fine. Does it have to do with the host computer being a Windows machine? Or, maybe the alterations we made to Keyman keyboard so that it would work with kmfl make recognition harder in Linux? If there is anything I can do to make it work more smoothly I’d be happy to try it.



by (120 points)
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The “Keyboard…” menu item is greyed out and disabled for me as well on Ubuntu Linux. I’m also experiencing other problems with keyboard layout on Paratext (9).

by (443 points)

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