0 votes

When I go to "paratext.org" I get automatically rerouted to a Wordpress login site.


I have tried different browsers and even a private browsing window. All roads end at the same wp-login.php site.
closed with the note: Temporary issue was resolved.
Paratext by (139 points)
closed by [Moderator]

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
It is working for me. Maybe it was a temporary problem?
by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

selected by [Moderator]
Thank you. I just checked again and it is live. Must have been server maintenance or other that caused the issue. Just wanting to download the PT9.3 latest update for offline. Cheers.
Sorry about that. Yes, it was a temporary issue that was resolved.

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1 Corinthians 12:13
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