0 votes

To allow others to access information about the language of your project, do the following:

  1. Click in your project to make it the active window.
  2. From the Project menu, select Project Properties and Settings....
  3. On the Advanced tab, select Share language info with Speech and Language Data Repository.
  4. Click OK.

:checkicon: Language definition information includes things such as:
• Sort order
• Identification code
• Font information
• Information from inventories on the Checking menu

:informationicon: See also:

  • Why should I share my language definition information with others?
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


1 Answer

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Best answer

First, make sure the language definition file, .LDS is unique to your
project. anon421222’t use a preexisting definition used by other projects and
change it for the specifics of your project. You can copy a preexisting
.LDS and make a new one.

This .LDS file is located in the My Paratext Projects folder.

You could send that file to others for them to incorporate it in any
other projects.

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

by (571 points)

Do you mean copy a preexisting .LDS and then give it a new name?

Hi wdavidhj

Yes and no.

Depends on whether you are going to change any part of the alphabet. If
there will be changes, create a new Language Settings file by "copying"
the similar LDS file as your starting point. If the other LDS fits your
needs exactly, it can be used. Just realize that any project that uses
that same LDS file could change it and impact other projects that depend
on it.

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

Note that your discussion has nothing to do with the help topic discussing the SLDR project.

Also, in 8.0, it’s not a good idea to copy the language (LDML) files to different projects directly.

In Paratext 7 language files are stored in the top level My Paratext
Projects folder being available yo all project. Has that changed? I can
see how in Papua New Guinea the languages use the same alphabet
structure. However, how in 8.0 (which I have not used) do you handle it
when a language uses a similar alphabet structure with a change in the
character list, diacritics, word-medial characters, etc.?

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

In Paratext 8.0, language files are stored in the LDML file format to work better with other applications (e.g. FieldWorks) and are stored in each project’s own folder (i.e. each project has it’s own language file). This means that if you want to keep the language settings from multiple projects in sync, you’ll have to manually make the changes in Paratext for each project.

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