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Some reasons why you should allow others to access information about the language of your project are:

  • To give other programs access to language definition information for this language.
  • To specify and share a complex sort order for this language.
  • To keep others working on the same language from having to come up with the language definition information independently.
  • To save time for future linguists and scholars who want to analyze the language.
  • To enable linguists to research multiple languages (for example, to research languages with a certain character).
  • To allow linguists to find out how the language of your project resolved an issue found in the language they are studying.
  • To take the first step toward having the language of your project represented in computer applications.

:checkicon: Language definition information includes things such as:
• Sort order
• Identification code
• Font information
• Information from inventories on the Checking menu

:informationicon: See also

Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


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