0 votes
I have an account on the old Paratext Supporter's site.  How do I decide whether to create a brand new account or migrate my old one?  And how do I do that?
General by [Administrator]
(324 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

Here is a great video on the topic:


by [Administrator]
(324 points)
0 votes

In addition to the video mentioned, here's more info from https://support.bible/recover-account:

The Paratext Support Forum (support.paratext.org) was a secure forum. However, anyone can view all posts on Support.Bible without a login. Many of the posts and comments from the Paratext Support Forum have been moved to Support.Bible. To protect your security, we have removed names from all posts and comments. On Support.Bible, it is possible to reclaim your support.paratext.org account and retain access to your posts, comments, and badges—or to start afresh with a new account.

To reclaim your history of posts, comments and badges from support.paratext.org, you will need to enter the email address that you used with your support.paratext.org account in the box below. We will send you a confirmation email describing the next steps. You will have the option to either remain anonymous or to specify an identifiable user name according to your security needs.

If you do not wish to reclaim your history of posts, comments and badges, you may do so by clicking create an account. Your original posts will still be visible on Support.Bible but they will not be associated with your name or email address and you will not be able to modify them.
NOTE: If you create an account using the same email address that you used with your support.paratext.org account rather than reclaiming an account, you will lose access to the history from your support.paratext.org account.

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

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