0 votes
The team is working in Paratext

The glossing for the NT books has already been done, so they do not want to make changes to the NT.

Thank you.
Paratext by (190 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
(Sorry, this is not really an answer, but there isn't a good way to ask follow-up questions on this site.)

Ruby glosses are entered in manually, so wouldn't it just involve not touching the NT when you're glossing the OT? Can you maybe clarify what problems you're seeing?
by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
I edited the question to clarify what the team needs to do: When using "Apply Gloss Everywhere," is there a way to add a ruby gloss to only OT books?

When I tested it, the gloss was added to both the OT and the NT. I did get the green banner stating information about the number of times the gloss was added, information about how many books were affected by the gloss that was added, and an Undo link.

The team would like to specify that the gloss be added only to the OT books.
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Hebrews 10:24-25
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