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A few years ago, I inserted around 400 notes into our consultant notes project called "Notes for Translators English" (NTE). I tagged them with a red star so that they'd be easy to find. Sadly, it appears that all those notes were lost. I did insert some of them back this year, but I decided to stop doing that and pursue the possibility of recovering them through an automated process. It takes a long time to insert them manually, and I don't want to have to do it again. Ideally, I don't want to lose them again, so I wonder what sort of backing up is possible with consultant notes projects. Thanks!
Paratext by (103 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You can S/R a consultant notes project just like any other project. Go to the project menu > project settings > user permissions and make sure that it is set to S/R. Then send it to the server.

Are you sure that the notes are lost? If you open the Consultant Notes project from the Open menu and set the filters to show all notes in all books can you see the notes? The icons only show up in the text if you have set view consultant notes in the project that you want to display the notes.
by (8.5k points)
Yes, I do regular S/R on this project. I know that they are lost, because I have an email dated 3/31/21 in which I wrote that I had added all the text critical notes into the project. There were around 400 of them, but now there are only 236, most of them being ones that I added in March 2023 (I was adding some back and also added new ones). Unlike a regular project, I can't see the history for this project, and I can't revert back to an older version (not that I would want to revert back because many notes of other types have been added since March 2021).
0 votes

If the project is on the S/R server (sounds like it is), then you can send in a help request via Help > Give feedback and the support team should be able to look at your project history and see if your notes can be recovered.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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