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When Paratext creates a problem report file, it encodes it using uuencode.

In order to read the report file, you must decode it with uudecode.

One-time setup

:warningicon: The following instructions are for Windows 10.
One way to get uudecode and set it up is as follows:

  1. Navigate to http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/sharutils.htm
  2. Download the Setup package. (In the Download column of the Download section, click Setup beside "Complete package, except sources").
  3. Install SharUtils.
    (The default location where it will be installed is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin)
  4. Right-click a Paratext problem report file and select Open with.
  5. In the dialog, click to place a tick in the Always use this app to open .p8pr files checkbox.
  6. If SharUtils is not in the list, click More apps, scroll to the lowest part of the dialog, and click Look for another app on this PC.
  7. Navigate to the folder where SharUtils was installed.
  1. Select uudecode.exe, and then click Open.


When you double-click a Paratext problem report file on the desktop of your computer, Paratext creates a normal zip file on the desktop of your computer.

Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


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