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Is it possible to configure support.Bible to send me an email every time someone adds a new question to the Publishing Assistant category? Similarly, is it possible to receive an email every time someone responds to a Publishing Assistant question without manually subscribing to the question?
General by [Moderator]
(316 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Click on the PA category, and then click the green heart top-right to subscribe to it.

by [Administrator]
(324 points)
Thank you for that!
As it's very quiet on this forum so far (perhaps it would be worthwile to alert users once more through the old system, even though it's been changed to read-only?), I'm posting this comment to see if it generates an email alert.
...it doesn't result in an email. Not immediately, at least. Or does the writer of a question or comment not get an email alert, while other users do?
It seems this is not working (yet). OVer the past days various new questions have been asked in the Paratext category. I have subscribed to the Paratext category (it is starred in the list of categories in the righthand part of the screen) but I havenꞌt received any email alert. Do other users have different experiences?
I've created an issue for our dev team, thank you for letting me know about this defect.
I have noticed the same thing (also subscribed the the Paratext category).

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Paratext Mar 22, 2023 asked by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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