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To post a new question by email

  1. Go to the email account that you used to sign up for support.paratext.org with

  2. Send an email to "[Email Removed]"

  3. Subject line should be the title of the topic.

  4. Body of email should be the contents of the question. It must be at least 20 characters long.

Paratext by (646 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Looks like it is. Can I ask what address you used? Is it the same as
the ‘Reply to’ address (which looks like
"ptforum+9872ilkjey896342ahkhoi"), or something more memorable?


by (609 points)

Hurray! Thank you anon451647!


See #2. The address in quotes is exactly where you need to send your e-mail to start a new topic.

After reading the other posts, I’m guessing you all didn’t see the details because the original post was edited and my response was completely unhelpful. :yum:

Here are the instructions restated:

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Romans 16:17
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