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Hi, in this project, YAK, we can’t figure out why the Henry has access to modify the text.

The popup says that modification is authorized for Henry by Tasks and Progress, but no incomplete tasks are assigned:

And none are outstanding:

Any ideas?

Edit: Replaced Screenshots.

Paratext by (231 points)

1 Answer

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Matthew_Lee - I see that Henry is using Paratext There are various problems that seem to crop up when people don’t update beyond the installer. Have him update to the latest version and see if that fixes the issue.

by (8.1k points)

Will do, though Ghis and I are the administrators, and the screenshot is from my machine. It’s hard to imagine that this is the issue.

Another possibility is if the project plan was changed. Maybe the authorization was from an earlier project plan? If you try giving Henry manual authorization, then removing the manual authorization, does that turn off the plan based authorization as well?

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