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Several of our teams have just begun using a Progress Plan and were wondering how to track selections that are not a complete chapter. Many of these selections have gone through the full checking process and have been published. Currently the status of these are flagged by \rem fields Any suggestions for making their status visible via a progress plan?

Paratext by (148 points)

1 Answer

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This is a feature that I’d love for Paratext for translating denominational reading calendars but unfortunately, it is not really available. The priorities feature will work for the chapter level but not the verse level.

The best way that I have found is a combination of priorities and custom versification. For the chapters that they only want to translate certain verses, they edit the custom.vrs file in the Paratext folder to not include the verses that they are not translating.


by (228 points)


If I understand you situation correctly, are you applying a project plan to a project that has been in progress for a number of years? If this is the case, there is a way to mark all that “legacy” progress without doing a thousand mouse clicks. See the following article from the Paratext website.
Applying a Project Plan to your Existing Project - Paratext

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