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The language allows quote margins after the quote, e.g., “Who is your name?,” he asked the man, or “Crucify him!,” they shouted. Is there a way to tell Paratext to ignore instances where ? and ! are followed by a comma and closing quote marker? Marking lowercase letters as ‘valid’ following ? and ! would permit real errors…
Similarly, we have used 1., 2., 3., etc., as a numbering sequence in a few places. Lowercase letters follow these periods. Is there any way to tell Paratext to ignore lowercase letters following #.?

Paratext by (611 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

For the first question, there is a tick box in the inventory to show sequences of punctuation. If you tick that, then you can filter on the quote sequences and mark them as valid while keeping the others invalid.
I don’t have time right now to look at the second question.
Blessings Shegnada

by (1.3k points)

Thanks for answering the first question, Shegnada! I’ll see if someone else has a solution for the second.

0 votes

In the Paratext select ‘Tools|Checking inventories|Punctuation followed by a lowercase letter’, click on the Options button. This will allow you to specify a list of abbreviations (e.g. ‘1. 2. 3. 4. alpha. beta.’). Which the check will then ignore.

by (121 points)
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Thanks anon095293.

by (611 points)

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