+2 votes

There are numerous resources that have been prepared to assist in learning (and teaching) Paratext. Links for most of those can be found at paratext.org. This is a great place to look for help. If you don’t know where to start you can use “Search this site” to the right of the videos tab to type in what you are looking for.

  • The Videos tab has links to videos in various languages for both Paratext 8 and Paratext 9
  • The Training & Support tab has links to a training manual in English and French. This is an excellent resource for step by step training.
  • The Training & Support tab also has links to webinars from the Paratext Hour on EMDC Online. Note that you will need to register to have access to the EMDC Online resources, but this is a great place to learn about lots of different topics.
  • And there are also links to various other training materials.
Paratext by (8.2k points)

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***** Added to remove this comment from unanswered questions *****
by (8.2k points)
Doing this seems like a good idea in our new system.

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