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I created a Bible module with just the markers \inc \ref and \r - for example:

\inc v
\r Matyu 4:8-11
\ref Mat 4:8-11

Then my translators edited the verses referenced in the module but after doing S/R I don’t see the changes in the Bible module. Is there a marker I need to include so the Bible module uses the revised translation and not the original before the S/R? Or a setting?

Paratext by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

If your PT has been open on your computer while the editing and S/R happened, you might try switching from Output view to a Specification view and back again. Sometimes the content in the Module book does not get refreshed automatically after a S/R if the Module is open in an Output view. (Under the project’s View menu in PT 9).

by (623 points)


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