0 votes

In PT 9 I tried to create Bible module(XXA extra book), it’s taking too much time. Same module it’s took less than 2 min in PT 8. It will be helpful to get some direction on this issue.

Paratext by (224 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

You may be hitting a locking problem that was recently reported and will be fixed in the next patch that we release.

To verify this, run this command when Paratext appears to be hung:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9\ParatextForceShutdown.exe

This command will send in a report that usually allows us to see what is causing Paratext to hang.


Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)


As you told I did, Issue number is PTXS-22467.

Thanks for sending the report. This is the same problem that has been fixed.

Here’s a patch that should fix the problem:


We aren’t quite ready to send this to all users, so if this problem isn’t blocking your work, you may want to wait until the official release of the next patch which will probably happen next week.


Thank you John+Wickberg,
Downloaded Patch, it’s working.

0 votes

Could you attach the Bible Module specification files here (probably needs to be zipped) so we can take a look?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Attached Bible module specification file and screenshot.Tamil R4L Psalms.zip (662 Bytes)

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