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Can anyone tell me what this Paratext error means, where it comes from, and how to fix it?

The project doesn’t have << or >> any more.

I started getting this error when I open assignments and progress, as well as some other windows.

Paratext by (231 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Check your matched punctuation pairs

by (8.4k points)

Matched Punctuation is empty. anon848905, I’ve added you to the project YAM2 as an Admin, can you take a look?
(This is a corrected NT for a project that is starting OT work.)

Sorry Matthew_Lee - I should have been clearer and said check the “Options” of the unmatched pairs of punctuation inventory. This is what you have.

In previous versions of PT you could have multiple characters, but not in current versions.

Thank you, thank you! I inherited this project and I’ve never searched that dusty corner of Paratext. It makes sense now.

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