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I just automatically applied \w…\w* marking to a long list of glossary terms. Some of these are transliterated English words in the translation which marked with \tl…\tl*: “donkey”, “barley” et cetera. I noticed that PT does not apply \w…\w* to these words.

Is there a way to mark these words (even if it has to be done manually). Would one of the following work?

\tl \+w donkey\+w*\tl*

\w \+tl donkey\+tl*\w*


Paratext by (505 points)

1 Answer

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\tl \+w donkey\+w*\tl* should work in the text as long as you do not also need it italicized in the Glossary.
Alternatively you can add the lemma or citation form after a vertical bar:
\w \+tl donkey\+tl*|donkey\w*
For both forms the marker check should find the corresponding term in the Glossary marked
\k donkey\k*

If you want them italicized in the Glossary like this: \k \+tl donkey\+tl*\k* there is no markup as far as I know that you can use that will allow you to have them recognized by the Markers check. What I have done is to just check them manually and deny the errors.

This issue has been reported as: PTX-22854: Glossary markup in text gives errors in a nested situation

by (1.8k points)

Thank you. I applied \tl \+w donkey\+w*\tl* and it worked fine. In order to get \w …. \w* marking applied the way we have used it in this project (every first occurrence in a chapter), I first removed the \tl … \tl* marking, then had PT link the occurrences (= add \w … \w*), then added \tl back in again and changed \w to \+w in these cases. For rarer terms like alabaster and nard, I did this manually. I took a few hours but it worked!

The glossary keywords will be in italics anyway, so it’s not a huge problem that they are not marked with \tl …. \tl*.


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