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I’ve got a project (Project A) which has the copyright information set in the registry, and is displayed correctly in the copyright field of the General Tab, but PTxPrint is not able to “Find” it.

PTxPrint will “find” the copyright information in another project (Project B) without issue.

Project B has
in settingx.xml
Project A does not have in settings even though it has
information in the Copyright box.

Is there another local location to look for copyright information? Or is there a reason why the General Tab would display the proper copyright information, but it not be recorded in a local file anywhere?

Paratext by (476 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

In that case, then the only reason the OK button should be disabled is if there is an error somewhere in the dialog. Is there a red error banner at the top of the dialog?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

There is a message about the association tab not being complete. I do not have the FLEx project on my computer. I’ll see if I can get it.
If the other administrator on the Paratext project also has the FLEx project, would that person be able to have Paratext write the copyright information into settings.xml?
Would the person need to actually open the dialog box for the information to actually be written? Does Paratext only check the registration information when the Project Settings box is opened or does it also do it on s/r?



Paratext only does the synchronization when viewing the Project Properties, so an administrator needs to click OK on the Project Properties dialog to get the data to sync. I realize that it’s not ideal, but that’s the way it currently works.

Can we work towards having the Lexicon Association teased out of the Project Settings or at least enable the OK button should the lexicon not be present on the computer? Seems like that’s more of a caution than a full stop type issue.

This problem came to light as PTxPrint has a way to pull the copyright information from Paratext, which comes from the registry setting. It’s an unexpected twist that Paratext can display the copyright information, but it not actually be stored in a settings file that PTxPrint can access. We can’t even copy/paste the information out of Paratext. We’d have to either type it ourselves (with the copyright button not being present on a normal keyboard) or get into the registry itself, which a person may not have access to.

Yes, this is something we’re planning on looking at for 9.4 (along with some other fixes for the FLEx integration).

0 votes

There is no other place that the project stores the copyright information. It is possible that the copyright might have been changed in the Registry, but no one has clicked OK on the Project Properties dialog to get it saved into the project data (in the Settings.xml file).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

The OK button is not active
For this particular project as nothing has changed…at least not by me.
The Copyright box lists the copyright information that is pulled from the registry, but it is not showing up in the settings.xml file.

Looks like MSEAIT/LT has found a place where our system is leaking.

It can only be done by an administrator on the project.

I am an administrator on the project.

0 votes

Is there a logical/reasonable explanation for this kind of behavior? Why wouldn’t PT just go ahead and update it (even without confirmation from the user)? I would lean toward updating it automatically, (and then letting the user know that it has been done), rather than expecting the user to (randomly?) visit the Project Properties dialog in order to let it update something.

On a quick scan of the projects on my own machine, I discovered that 1 in 3 had no copyright information in them. That’s pretty serious, I think.

by (2.7k points)

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