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Is anyone else having problems with the latest Win11 update? It appears to be obstructing Paratext and Logos (and there was a GDrive glitch too, but that may have been unrelated).

The situation is described here: "After updating to the Windows 11 version KB5013943 cumulative update, users are facing some kind of error in which when they are launching an application it automatically crashes and it shows the error code oxc0000135. This particular update was released on May 10th with the May 22 patch and it included the fixes for some of the vulnerabilities and bugs and it was also a security update. This update included a fix for a bug that is causing the.NETFramework 3.5 apps to not open if they use the Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) and the Windows Workflow(WWF) components. "

I’d be glad of a simpler solution than that recommended on the page above (which works fine), esp. if in the coming days many remote colleagues who’re less confident with their computers start having the same problem.

Paratext by (188 points)

1 Answer

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Paratext does use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - this is for the local server of Paratext Live and for the remote server used by Paratext 9.1 and earlier.

We will need to remove the usage of WCF at some point since it isn’t supported after .Net Framework 4.8, but we can’t do anything about the way it is used in released versions of Paratext.

I’ll do some more research on this to see if this is something we have to look at replacing sooner than we intended.

Paretext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


Thanks John+Wickberg. Kinda surprising if I’m the only one with a problem. Two clear disadvantages of the above-mentioned fix are that Windows startup is very slow and that send/receive always crashes Windows Explorer!

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