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Can somebody please explain the _resourcesById folder? We have a user who keeps getting this error message when starting Paratext:

They have both the NIV84.p8z (updated March 25, 2022) and then this one in the _resourcesById folder:

Should they delete the one in the _resourcesById folder?

Paratext by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)


2 Answers

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Best answer

The _resourcesById folder is created when a resource is downloaded that has the same short name as another resource or project.

Deleting the copy in the folder will resolve the problem, it would be interesting to know why Paratext created it - I would expect that NIV84 would just install over itself.

A _projectsById folder can also be created when two projects on the machine have the same short name - the second will need to be received by using send/receive.

We were trying to support duplicated short names without having to completely change the structure of the “My Paratext Projects” folder.


by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)

0 votes

Thank you for this info John+Wickberg. I don’t know why the NIV84 installed in a separate folder… could the original have been copied from an older install and something (e.g., guid) changed so Paratext didn’t recognize it as the same resource? I don’t know how long the Paratext log goes back, but I could ask them to send a problem report if you’d like.

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

Is it possible that the user had a project called NIV84?

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