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Our team updated to Paratext 9.2 today. However, because Paratext Live no longer works in our situation, we now need to revert back to version 9.1. What do we need to know about the process? Do we need to completely uninstall Paratext first?


Paratext by (158 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

I think you should:

  1. Uninstall Paratext 9.2. (I believe you can leave settings in place)
  2. Download the 9.1 offline installer and the 9 1 104 152 patch from the “older versions” part of the download page
  3. Install 9.1, and the 9 1 104 152 patch.
  4. Start 9.1 and turn off the automatic updates, or else it will download 9.2 again and keep asking if you want to upgrade.
by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Thank you. Did all that and everything is working well.

KapalaDikili and anon932103,

The Paratext developers are aware of issues they are working on and hope to make PTLIve more stable in a future 9.2 version. I don’t have a date when they expect this update to be released.

Thanks a lot! I will share this with my team members. We are still on PT We all have had to restart PT for a considerable number of times to get PT Live functioning, which takes away time to complete the job. I hope it will get fixed soon.

@anon932103 Have you reported this as a problem to Paratext Support? It would be very helpful for them to have the log that comes with a problem report, as well as a description of what (seems to) cause it to not work properly and/or what you were doing when it doesn’t work properly.

Paratext menu > Help > Give feedback > Report a Problem with Paratext.



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The same thing happened to our team with PT Live. We also want to revert to 9.1.

by (133 points)

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