I was researching something related to proper names and capitalization last week and noticed that I cannot get the regex feature in the wordlist to show me only all the capitalized entries. I get totally unexpected behaviour.
Normally I get very helpful results with regex, in the wordlist and elsewhere in PT. I (again) looked up some examples in the help to confirm flavour for PT9 andI tried ^[\p{Lu}] and got no joy, not a single hit, box turns red. But when I try ^[\p{Ll}] the search box turns green and I get many results, including things like “Aaɖi” as a search result, which does not feel right.
The functionality is there, minus the capitalisation. For example ^\p{Lu}{5,5}$ is giving me only all the five-letter-words as expected, but again it mixes results like “Afʊmɩ” which is wrong.
I have a hunch that the internal-data for the capitalisation is somehow more complex that what the GUI is showing. But then it would be nice to have documentation for that, rather than spending time doing “research” on a tool that is built by my own org.
I also noticed that I cannot find the regex tool in PT9, even following the inbuilt help like this:
Using RegEx Pal in a particular project
To use Paratext RegEx Pal in a particular project, do the following:
- Click the tab of that project to make it the active tab.
- Open Paratext RegEx Pal. (Click the main menu icon ![](file:///C:/Users/martin/AppData/Local/ParatextHelp/HelpSystemImages/menu_icon.png), then from the Paratext menu, point to Advanced, and select RegEx Pal.)
I am normally using my own paid tools, but would not mind “tuning” my tools against the inbuilt “helper”.
Thank you for any input about the capitalization in the wordlist.