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We noted in our French Outilingua course that a missing \h in a book is not found in the marker check. Doug said that it should be noted in that check, since the \h is critical for printing the book. Could someone note that in the list of things to fix? Thanks.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

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The context of this report was that Doug was presenting PTXprint, and was surprised when there were two unidentified numbers appearing at the top of the page. One of the numbers was the page number and one was the chapter number, but without the book name (because the \h was missing in the book). He said that it would be helpful if the marker check would report that as a problem, since we’re strongly recommended to run the chapter/verse number and marker checks before printing with PTXprint.

If this check was added to the marker check, it could be given as a warning, not an error, and it could just be limited to the 66 bible books, not the auxiliary books. Even if Publishing Assistant can use a \toc# marker for the headers, I would propose that having the \h marker would be advisable in case someone wanted to print a quick draft with PTXprint.

Maybe @dhigby wants to weigh in on the question, since it was his suggestion originally?

by (1.4k points)
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At the request of June M, this has been reported as a problem from within Paratext.

by (1.4k points)
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Note that not all books will have \h fields (FRT, BAK, INT often don’t). Should the check also point out if the user does not have \toc# markers? In the Publishing Assistant process the \h is not needed if one of the \toc# markers is being used for the headers.
In the short term using the Marker inventory to review markers like \h is an important check that is done manually. This way you can also verify consistency in the what the names have been written.

by (8.5k points)

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